Casio Fx 880p Programs
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Staffing Level Estimation and Scheduling Staffing level estimation Once the effort required to develop a software has been determined, it is necessary to determine the staffing requirement for the project. Putnam first studied the problem of what should be a proper staffing pattern for software projects. Staffing level estimation in software engineering. Closely related software parametric models are Constructive Cost Model COCOMO, Parametric Review of Information for Costing and Evaluation Software PRICE S, and Software Evaluation and Estimation of Resources Software Estimating Model SEER SEM. The Software EquationeditWhile managing R D projects for the Army and later at GE, Putnam noticed software staffing profiles followed the well known Rayleigh distribution. Staffing level estimation in software engineering ppt. Staffing level estimation in software engineering ppt, estimates are made when the project is conceived. For purposes of staffing level analysis. Funds to provide AIM software support. Projects divided between Architecture and Engineering using.
Casio Interface 'Casio Interface' Even if you are lucky enough to own a Casio interface for your programmable calculator, it can very frustrating trying to get it to work. (I know from experience!) There is very little help in the User Manual, regarding PC connection. However, it is possible to make your own PC-Casio connection cable or even transfer programs between two Calculators.

Warning: The Calculator should be switched OFF until all cable connections have been made. Connection Cable Flex Four core BT telephone cable is an ideal substitute and is coloured to aid identification. PC End The PC Connection is made to the Parallel Printer Port (LPT1). Using a special connector available at most good PC shops or Computer fairs, the wires may be attached to pins and located into the connector at the following locations. PC Connector viewed from the Cable side Casio End The corresponding wires should be inserted into the following holes of the Casio Socket. Term lab software download.
I have not come across a source for Casio connectors. Please let me know if you know different! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 The wires should be connected as follows. PC CASIO SIGNAL NAME 2 5 DATA BIT 0 10 21 ACKNOWLEDGE 11 22 BUSY 19 30 GROUND Software (Spanish) To commence communications between the PC and your Casio, it is necessary to download this Interface Program: (79 Kb) The program is in Spanish, like many of the FX850P/FX880P links. However, many of the commands are fairly straightforward.
The main ones are. Archivo Files Nuevo New Abrir Open Guardar Save Guardar como Save as Transmitir Transmit Recibir Receive Shell al DOS Shell to DOS Salir Exit Procedure 1. Switch on the Calculator. Select [MODE] 1. Select Program Location [ S ] 0 (to 9). Run the Casio PC Program in DOS Mode. To Transmit (PC-Casio) Select 'Abrir/Open'.
Select text file to be transmitted. Select 'Transmitir/Transmit' At Casio, type LOAD'CAS0:n (n=baud ref no) [EXE] Press OK at the PC to commence upload.
Press [BRK] on the Casio at the end of the transmission. To Receive (Casio-PC) Select 'Recibir/Receive' Press OK At Casio, type SAVE'CAS0:n (n=baud ref no) [EXE] 6. Known problems: Not connecting properly Ensure cables are fully inserted into Casio.
Last line of uploaded file may not be transmitted Add a blank line or extra command eg. BV (Buffer Overflow) Error Reduce baud rate or switch off Calculator and try again. Software 'Dirty Fly' has written a program to transfer data between the PC and Casio via the Serial Port (Com 1 to Com 4): (2.3 Mb) Connection Cable (Spanish) A Spanish circuit diagram for a PC-Casio RS232 interface is located at the following website: (Link Broken) To transmit programs between Casio FX850P/FX880P calculators. Connection Cable Two core cable is required. Telephone cable or small speaker cable will do. No connectors are required as the ends are simply stripped and inserted into the calculator interface sockets. Casio Connections Connect the wires to the calculators in the following manner.