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TrinityCore TrinityCore is an MMORPG framework that's built using C++, and using a back-end of MySQL for the DB content. Patch 3.3 wowwiki. Trinity is an individual project with a diverse development team, We love to hear from our users too, whether you want to give words of encouragment or if you have code for us to merge into the repo (please if you do, we love it when users contribute:) ). Trinity was at one point a merger of MaNGOS with many patches submitted by users, that is no longer the case. Please help us by posting issues, patches, and enhancement suggestions on the tracker. Trinity has been cleaned up a lot, and will continue to be cleaned up and optimized over time.

You can change the notification sound in general GroupMe settings, and if you're on Android or Windows you can also set a different notification for each individual chat. To change the general notification sound: iOS: Make sure you've enabled notifications for GroupMe in the iOS settings app. Tap the menu icon and select Settings, then under Notifications, tap Sound and choose a sound from the list. Android: Tap the menu icon (top left) and select Settings, then under Notifications, tap Sound and choose a sound from the list. Windows: Tap the menu icon (top left) and select Settings, then choose a sound from the list for Group Message Sound and Direct Message Sound. To change the notification sound for a specific chat: In the chat, tap the avatar and select Settings (or Chat settings) then choose a sound from the list. This is only supported on Android and Windows.
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