Manual For Centrios Wireless Speakers Troubleshooting
I'm assuming that the speaker has been properly charged and the battery is in working order - slow blinking indicates a low voltage situation, either because the battery needs to be charged or it has aged and no longed gives the necessary voltage - and the speaker is set to the correct channel with the switch at the rear. The fast blinking signals that the wireless connection isn't made - you will need to reset the connection as explained in the user manual. If it fails even after that then the wireless receiver is faulty - the system is unrepairable, because it's a sealed unit. Time for a new one.
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Centrios Indoor/Outdoor Wireless Speaker with Transmitter - Trop Built with a 2.4 GHZ digital transmitter with 34 channels to change and minimize interference. Them as well as 5 disc cd changer, remote, cables, speaker wire and manual.

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