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FILTER BY: Latest Drivers & Tech Support • • • • • General Information Welcome to! In this subreddit, we discuss and share news, rumors, ideas, and knowledge relating to AMD, their hardware and software products, and the silicon industry. Please note that this subreddit is community run and does not represent AMD unless otherwise specified. Rules Rule 1: Tech support questions are only allowed in and must instead be posted at.
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Strawpolls are not allowed. Rule 8: The moderators of reserve the right to allow posts or comments that could technically break any of the rules, when a situation has arisen where the post is especially funny, educational, or useful to the users of the subreddit. If you have a post that you believes warrants an exception using Rule #8, YOU MUST FIRST Rule 10: No bamboozling Links • Tech Support Megathreads: 2019: 2018: 2017: 2016: • • • • • • • • Related Subreddits (Best place for tech support outside of the monthly megathread) (for general discussion of hardware) (The main CPU competitor) (The other CPU competitor) (The only GPU competitor) (For all things PC) (Where wider is better) (ADVANCED MEME DEVICES) (The Shintel wannabe version of AyyMD) (Can I run this?) (Buy, hold, or sell?!). As promise allow me to share the results of my testing on the 2200g. TL;DR: It's worked Long version: • My current setup is the 1060 hook into my first monitor (non-freesync) and the second monitor (freesync) hook in to my motherboard for the Vega 8 (forces enable the Vega 8 in the bios) • Use Nvidia Control Panel to force game / application to render with the 1060 instead of the Vega 8 • So far I have tested this on Batman AK and AMD Freesync Windmill Demo (see image below). The Windmill detect Freesync just fine and you can clearly see that Freesync work along the 1060 There still prob something I missed so ask any question you have here.
UPDATE to clarify: all the test are on the Freesync monitor which hook directly into my mobo, the Windmill app have to be moved manually to that screen from extend mode and full screen it there. It does matter in principle, it's sort of analogous to the block size value of a hard drive. With a large block size the drive will be faster at both reading and writing files around the size of the block size. Although having a low block size can optimize the drive for doing a large volume of small reads/writes, which isn't true for PCIe bandwidth. To be fair, for a graphics card x16 really makes no difference in consumer applications. And it's even more useless in deep learning research, or compute research, where the 'blocks' are usually small.
There are some specific applications where it matters for a PCIe GPU, like 3D modeling and rendering, when the resolution and number of objects/effects is very high. And as one example, it can even make a big difference in rendering a gaussian blur on a single image, if the resolution is high enough. But anyway where it really has the potential of mattering is for RAID/storage controllers. Especially if you're using like an 8x mini-SAS controller with a bunch of 8TB+ hard drives.