Montesa 311 Workshop Manual
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The National Motorcycle Museum houses the largest collection of British motorcycle’s in the world with over 1000 machines from 170 different manufacterers spanning no less than three centuries! Of the 1000 plus machines in the collection there are around 850 on display at any one time throughout the museum’s five huge display halls. With our earliest pioneer machine dating from 1898 through to the latest British superbikes of this century the museum collection highlights both the development of the motorcycle as well as showcasing the UKs proud motorcycle manufacturing heritage. On the collection page you will find a taster of just how amazing the National Motorcycle Museum really is with an alphabetical list of each of the 170 marques that make up our unique inventory. Our main display halls page gives you an overview of the Museum collection with an east to follow list & images which give a glimpse of what to expect when you visit the world’s greatest British motorcycle museum. With 170 marques and over 850 British motorcycle’s on display at any one time we certainly can’t show you everything that our five huge display halls contain! However our (mainly alphabetical listings) are designed to whet your appetite as regards just how special a place The National Motorcycle Museum really is.
It’s not just the bikes at The National Motorcycle Museum that make us so special! Gt bicycles serial numbers. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are here to make your visit informative as well as enjoyable. With decades of combined experience our team are able to help with many of the queries that you might have about the British Motorcycles that make up the Museum collection. You can discover more about everyone on the main Meet the Team page and find out more about their roles within the greatest motorcycle museum in the world.
The National Motorcycle Museum The National Motorcycle Museum is recognised as the finest and largest British motorcycle museum in the world and originally opened its doors in October 1984 with a collection of 350 motorcycles on display. The Museum collection now boasts some 1000 plus machines, fully restored to the manufacturers original specifications with over 850 on display at any one time. The National Conference Centre The National Conference Centre situated on the same site as the National Motorcycle Museum is also one of the UKs largest conferencing and events facilities. The award winning conference centre has 13 purpose built suites available, including the Wardroom, seating small parties of up to 20 guests, and the Imperial Suite which can host 1000. • Close • • •. 2014 saw the launch of “Friends of The National Motorcycle Museum” which is the most exciting and innovative Membership scheme ever undertaken by a Museum or similar organisation. Museum Director James Hewing stated “we have tremendous plans over the next few years to make The National Motorcycle Museum a truly dynamic resource for everyone who love’s old motorcycles.