Pokemon Black And White Season 15 Episode 41
Pokemon Rival Destinies S15e41 Iris And The Rogue Dragonite. Pokemon Black and White: Rival. Jan 13, 2018 - Easy to understand episode guide for the fourteenth season of the Pokemon. Leads into the following season, Pokemon Black and White Rival Destinies. Episode 41: The Club Battle Hearts of Fury: Emolga Versus Sawk!
• ^ Due to the, the broadcasts of these episodes have been indefinitely postponed in Japan and the United States. The episodes were supposed to air on March 17 and 24, 2011, respectively, in Japan. • Due to the, the broadcast of this episode was postponed from its original April 7, 2011, airdate. The episode was originally titled 'Hiun City Fishing Competition! Fishing Sommelier Dent Appears!!' ( ヒウンシティのつり大会!釣りソムリエ・デント登場!!, Hiun Shiti no Tsuri Taikai!
Tsuri Somurie Dento Tōjō!!), but to fit in with its new airdate, references to the setting of Hiun (Castelia) City were removed. References [ ].
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