Pokemon Emerald Gameshark All Pokemon Obey
I Used A Action Replay Code To Get All Pokeballs All Pokeballs Code: 085938BB99FF313D 2DAFD7395D796510 You Can Also Use CodeBreaker Codes For The Action Replay Codes. Jul 15, 2011 - generally pokemon over a certain level until the 8th badge will not obey. Could make them obey is to cheat and give yourself all the badges.
These are not cheats this is a walkthrough Berry Master's Wife Passwords Tell the Berry Master's Wife certain phrases to receive the following berries. You can only tell her one of these each day. Code Effect SUPER HUSTLE You will receive a Belue Berry. COOL LATIOS You will receive a Durin Be rry. CHALLENGE CONTEST You will receive a Pamtre Berry.
GREAT BATTLE You will receive a Spelon Berry. OVERWHELMING LATIAS You will receive a Watmel Berry. BELOW SAID You'll get a ASPEAR berry WINTER COOL You'll get a ASPEAR berry BAD DATE You'll get a LUM berry Passwords Mystery Event Get at least 5 badges and go to the Petalburg Pokemon Center. Talk to the guy at the PC and when he asks you your profile, tell him the following: Password Effect MYSTERY EVENT IS EXCITING You will receive Mystery Event. Unlockables National Pokedex Unlockable How to Unlock National Pokedex Trade from Pokemon Fire Red or Pokemon Leaf Green National Pokedex Diploma To get the final diploma, do the following task. Unlockable How to Unlock National Pokedex Diploma Collect all 386 Pokemon info in your Pokedex. Then go to the hotel in Lilycove City and talk to the Game Designer.
The Elemental Stones Surf Northwest of Mossdeep to find a house. The man inside is the Shard Hunter. If you explore the Eastern reigon of Hoen, (The Ocean) and dive around it, you will find Shards. There are Blue, Red, Green, and Yellow Shards. Give them to the Shard Hunter in exchange for one of the 4 elemental stones available.
Action replay [AR] and Gameshark [GS] are basically the same device. The codes are interchangable. For Example: Pokemon Sapphire Master Code: 9E6AC862823AB7A8 8365F8FA817CF3E9 Kyogre 82FBD860 AE242721 313D2BCE 9004E149 9EFEC4E6 F24D5813 As usual the master code for the game has to be entered first, followed by the desired code, if you are using an emulator to play this game on your PC, all you have to do is delete the spaces so the entire code should look like this: (regular GS/AR) 9E6AC862823AB7A8 8365F8FA817CF3E9 82FBD860 AE242721 313D2BCE 9004E149 9EFEC4E6 F24D5813 (emulator GS/AR) 9E6AC862823AB7A8 8365F8FA817CF3E9 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 9EFEC4E6F24D5813 Hope this helps. =D FYI this specific code makes every wild Pokemon that appears Kyogre.
The following Pokemon can be found in the Safari Zone in Pokemon Sapphire. In the Northwest corner of the Safari Zone (in the water) you can find: Goldeen (Old Rod - Common; Good Rod - Very Common; Super Rod - Very Common) Magikarp (Old Rod - Very Common; Good Rod - Very Common) Seaking (Super Rod - Common) Psyduck (Very Common). In the Southwest corner of the Safari Zone (in the water) you can find: Goldeen (Old Rod - Common; Good Rod - Very Common; Super Rod - Very Common) Magikarp (Old Rod - Very Common; Good Rod - Very Common) Seaking (Super Rod - Common) Psyduck (Very Common) Golduck (Rare). In the Northeast corner of the Safari Zone (on land) you can find: Geodude (Very Common when using Rock Smash) Oddish (Very Common) Phanpy (Common) Natu (Common) Gloom (Rare) Heracross (Rare) Xatu (Rare). In the Northwest corner of the Safari Zone (on land) you can find: Doduo (Common) Oddish (Common) Rhyhorn (Common) Dodrio (Rare) Gloom (Rare) Pinsir (Rare). In the Southeast corner of the Safari Zone (on land) you can find: Oddish (Very Common) Doduo (Common) Girafarig (Commmon) Natu (Common) Wobbuffet (Common) Gloom (Rare) Pikachu (Rare). In the Southwest corner of the Safari Zone (on land) you can find: Oddish (Very Common) Doduo (Common) Girafarig (Common) Natu (Commmon) Wobbuffet (Common) Gloom (Rare) Pikachu (Rare).

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