Remington 1911 Serial Number Search
Serial Numbers on Remington Firearms If you are looking for more information about your particular Remington firearms, then the serial number can give you some useful insight into the date of manufacture of your specific gun. You most likely have the Remington Autoloading Shotgun, which was later re-named the Remington Model 11 in 1911. This gun was the first successful autoloading shotgun built in the United States. It was designed and patented by John Browning, who reached a licensing and manufacturing agreement with Remington in 1903.
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Remington Manufacture Dates Antique and Collectable Firearms and Militaria Headquarters OldGuns.net FineOldGuns.com Firearms For Sale Antique (pre 1899) 7/12/2018 7/12/2018 Collectible (post-1899) 1/3/2019 12/3/2018 1/1/2019 Modern & 12/3/2018 Items For Sale 11/9/2018 11/9/2018 11/9/2018 11/9/2018 7/12/2018 11/9/2018 11/9/2018 11/9/2018 7/6/2018 Check our Services OldGuns Newsletter Information Pages last update Manufacture Dates (Broomhandle) (& Factory Letters) Markings REMINGTON DATES OF MANUFACTURE For Remington guns made 1921-1972 only. We have no data for Remingtons made at other times. A two or three letter code on the left side of the barrel identifies the month and year of manufacture. The first letter identifes the month, the other letter(s) identify the year. NOTES: In some cases, only partial date codes were marked which will result in an invalid response. The code letters were reused and may have one or more possible meanings.

In some cases, you will have to decide which meaning is correct based on other details. Enter your two or three letter date code.
Sounds to me you might have what would be known as a 'lunch box' gun. During the war a few employees assembling the guns, would be known to smuggle parts of a 1911 out piece by piece in their lunch boxes, and reassemble the gun once they got home to keep for themselves. That would explain why the gun lacks any markings. But then again I am not sure for certain.
You might want to check with m1911.org and ask one of the guys on there. They seem to know a lot about USGI 1911's.
As far as worth, I would suggest you make sure it is legal to even have, I would hate to think what the ATF would do if they caught you with a gun that has no type of serial number.defaced or not.