Asuka 120 Burning Fest Excellent Iso
Part of the Asuka 120% franchise of fighting games, 'Final' adds minor changes to the original game, adding a 'down' gauge and a new cast of voice actors.

Contents • • • • • • • • • Plot [ ] The game is set at the Ryōran Private School for Women which educates the daughters of the upper echelons of society. The school's clubs hold a martial arts tournament called the Club Rivalry Budget Contest Mega Fight annually. The main character is Asuka Honda of the Club. Other characters include members from the club, club, Club, and club. Each character employs a different fighting style and the techniques are unique to each club.
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Gameplay [ ] The game has a very simplified input system in comparison to other fighting games, where all characters share the same movesets. The game features a 'clash system', where if both characters hit each other, it doesn't cause damage, rather they can continue their combo. Development [ ] Asuka 120% was produced by just two full-time programmers who comprised the company Fill-in-Cafe. The franchise was programmed and designed by, its music was composed by, and the games' illustrations were designed. Asuka 120% Burning Fest was just one fighting game of the era which had female characters, humor,. Similar games from that era include games such as,,. Categorized as a, eleven versions were released for various platforms between 1994 and 2002.
The combat system of Asuka 120% was based on the beat-em-up, and is also similar to. Development of Mad Stalker for the, and Playstation ( port was co-developed by ); and the PlayStation port of Makeruna!
Makendō 2: Kimero Youkai Souri (Super Famicom version was developed by ), were done by Fill-in-Cafe. Fill-in-Cafe went bankrupt around 1998. After that, the developers moved on to, and the Asuka 120% input system influenced future Treasure fighting games. [ ] Versions [ ]. Kumi in the original version Asuka 120% BURNING Fest. Is the debut title of the franchise.
It was initially released for the Fujitsu FM Towns, but a short time later it was ported to the Sharp X68000 with three versions of its soundtrack, as well as slightly updated graphics. Asuka 120% BURNING Fest. Excellent - Unlike its predecessor, this version features adventure elements found in most detective-based video games such as the series, but in this game, the player must collect as much currency as possible by socializing to make high scores. This game was later remade for the Sony PlayStation using graphics from Asuka 120% BURNING Fest. Asuka 120% BURNING Fest. Maxima featured altered graphics and BGM, and some new characters.
The gameplay controls in this version were simplified due to the NEC PC-Engine's limited number of buttons; although a six-button controller exists, it is not compatible with this game. The object of the game's Story Mode is to win two rounds in a row to earn the largest amount of currency. Asuka 120% BURNING Fest. Special is a remake of the PC-Engine version Maxima. A new secret character, plus extra combos and moves were added, as well as the graphics and BGM being altered again.