Login Failed Mssql Microsoft Ssee
Following is the steps to connect to the Windows internal database on Windows 2012 machine. Download Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Express from the link. When I try to connect to my WSS 3.0 database (Server Microsoft##SSEE) using my Management Studio Express or SQL 2005 I get errors saying that it is unable to connect to the database. The WebApp works just fine but I cannot connect the DB to perform maintenance on it.
Input: select * from sys.sysmessages where error = 18456 Output: Login failed for user ‘%.*ls’.%.*ls%.*ls This is one of the infamous error message (and number) that most of the DBAs and developers have come across while working on SQL server. This message simply denotes that the client call was able to reach the SQL server and then an ACCESS was denied to the particular login for a reason. To figure out the exact reason, this error number 18456 with its STATE number is logged into the SQL server error log file, if SQL server was allowed or configured to capture the failed logins.
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Configuring SQL server for capturing login failures: By default, SQL server is configured to capture only failed logins but it can be changed to any of the options as mentioned in this books online link Below figure shows these options to have login failed messages written into error log Accessing Error log: Now that, we know SQL server logs all login failed messages into its error log and windows event viewer but how do I access them? Windows event viewer: GO to start –> Run –> Eventvwr –> open up the application logs, and now we could see the login failed error message with computer name, instance name, date and time and finally the reason for the login failed SQL Error log: SQL server error log can be viewed from multiple places • If we have gained access or can gain access to SQL server with different logon credentials then always use sp_readerrorlog, xp_readerrorlog or use the GUI option of opening up Management node –> SQL server Logs –> View –> SQL server log. Same sample shown above looks like • In a case where we cannot gain access to SQL server, then we may use the actual error log path and open the txt file physically from the file system. Use SQL server configuration manager to find the error log path and from there you could open the file.
Get the value next to –e parameter and that gives the actual error log file location Typically the error log files are available in install directory for SQL server. SQL server 2005: C: MSSQL MSSQL.1 MSSQL LOG Errorlog SQL server 2008: C: MSSQL MSSQL10.instanceID MSSQL Log Errorlog InstanceID – MSSQLSERVER for default instance and for named instance it’s the name of the instance STATES of 18456 State 1: This is a very generic error message that is sent to the client tools to deliberately hide the nature of the login failure issue. However, the SQL Server error log, a corresponding error contains an error state that maps to an authentication failure condition with its state number.
State 2 and 5: This state occurs when a SQL server login logs in with the name that doesn’t exist in sql server. This error mostly comes in when users specify wrong user name or misspell the login name.
I am logging in to my instance with a login name called DOESNTEXIST that really doesn’t exist and let’s see what the error state in error log is. Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 5. Login failed for user ‘DOESNT EXIST’. Reason: Could not find a login matching the name provided. [CLIENT: ] State 6: This state occurs when a user tries to login with a WINDOWS account but specifying that as a sql server account.