Fire Emblem Gba Hack Rom Download
List of Credits for Hacking Realm. Welcome to the Fire Emblem Shrine Hacking Realm! Learn how to get started on making your own Fire Emblem mod or hack, download utilities, find a tutor, translate an older Fire Emblem, or download other people's patches! Java adobe pdf printerjob print. This isn't a Sacred Stones hack, this is a Blazing Sword hack. And there are tons of tools for hacking Fire Emblem games, I run a site with a considerably big FE Hacking section, it's called Fire Emblem Universe.
Here is some gameplay from a cool Fire Emblem ROM Hack I found. Also tried out a method of making audio sound compressed for fun. This is a rom hack of the game Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones. PS: The voices were added in the editing for fun and are NOT part of the ROM. Algo cortito que queria intentar.
Ademas de probar un metodo para hacer sonar audio comprimido xD Aqui esta el algo de gameplay de un Rom hack del juego de Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones que encontre. Para que tenga personajes y musica de la serie web por Rooster Teeth, RWBY.
Recomendado para los que le gusta la accion rapida y el anime:D Esta en ingles con subtitulos en el canal de Rooster Teeth Posdata: Los audios fueron agregados en el editaje por diversion y no son parte del ROM.
Come discuss Fire Emblem, the fantasy tactical RPG franchise! Submit content Rules 1 Posts must be related to Fire Emblem. Submissions must be directly related to Fire Emblem. 2 Duplicate posts will be removed. If you want to ask a question, please check the wiki, FAQ, the weekly question thread, or the reddit search bar before posting.
If you want to post a discussion or comic/meme, please ensure that it hasn't been posted recently (1 month for discussion, 4 months for comics/memes). 3 NSFW content must be tagged. Any adult content that does not contain any real substance for discussion will be removed without warning. 4 Stalking, harassment, and personal attacks will not be tolerated. This rule we will take on a case by case basis. We consider intentionally baiting unproductive arguments as harassment. Other forms of harassment that we do not tolerate are personal attacks and stalking.
5 No direct links to Fire Emblem ROMs or ISOs. Fan patches/hacks are acceptable so long as they aren't pre-patched onto the original ROM/ISO. It's acceptable to discuss emulation without linking to illegal material. 6 Please use spoiler tags for major plot events, regardless of the game.
Not everyone has played every Fire Emblem game. It is only fair they get a chance to go into a story blind for the full experience. To use a spoiler tag in comments, by typing [FE7](#s 'Beware the Black Fang!' ) gives you:. 7 All posts must be tagged appropriately! Use the flair option after creating a post to tag it as needed. Upon selecting the appropriate flair, identify the game.
Posts that serve no purpose or are exceedingly low effort are considered spam and will be removed. Repeatedly posting on the sub with a certain topic is also considered to be spam. 9 Non-OC Fanart outside of the Fanart Hub. No Fanart or Cosplay is to be posted unless it is of your own making, or you commissioned the artist and have permission to post.