Friedland 752 Manual
So recently my doorbell button got stuck and it burnt out both the electromagnetic coil in the chime and the transformer. As I'm replacing everything I was thinking that I could add fuse to prevent a rogue button from causing so much damage again. The transformer is 16VAC 10W and I measured the voltage as just over 20VAC. The chime consists of an electromagnetic coil that drives a pin hitting a chime (separate coils for the front and back buttons). It claims it's suitable for a 16VAC 10W or 16VAC 15W transformer. Let's say that x amps run through the circuit when the button is depressed.
View and Download Friedland SA5 installation and operating manual online. 6 Zone Communicating Wirefree Alarm System. SA5 Security System pdf manual download. Doorbells are a useful addition to any home's entryway, offering a distinctive tone and an alternative to harsh knocking sounds. Friedland manufactures a.
Normally the button is depressed for very short periods of time (let's say. Having had doorbell problems myself, I feel your pain. I would recommend against this kind of hack. Consider what would happen if an overly enthusiastic Girl Guide decided to hold down your doorbell button.
From my personal experience, I found no problems holding down the doorbell continuously. This leads me to suspect that one of your components failed in some other way that violated the part's ratings. Perhaps some coils short circuited. Hopefully new parts rated to the power you specified will last longer. Edit: As a tip, taping down your doorbell while inside testing connections is particularly helpful. Perhaps my answer wasn't clear. My belief is that under normal operation (which includes holding the button), the components should be able to withstand the continuous current.
Otherwise it seems unfathomable to me that houses around the world are operating a system that can be so easily destroyed. Louis vuitton coin purse keychain. You have two possible failure modes. Doorbell systems can't withstand long term current.
You were subject to bad luck/age and your components just randomly failed creating condition 1. I find #2 easier to believe. – lm317 May 30 '14 at 15:26 •.