Hot Virtual Keyboard V5.3.1.0
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Hot Virtual Keyboard Replace Windows On-Screen Keyboard with Hot Virtual Keyboard and start typing like a pro in just minutes! Hot Virtual Keyboard packs a number of advanced features to make on-screen typing faster, easier and more accurate. Make full use of your touch-screen PC (Tablet PC, UMPC, Panel PC, Car PC, Touchmonitor, Kiosk) or type with a mouse quickly and efficiently!
Hot Virtual Keyboard License Key Features: – Fully customizable look and behavior – Gestures to quickly change case or insert spaces – Programmable buttons for performing routine operations such as copying and pasting text – Keys to launch applications, open Web pages or run macros with a single tap – Word auto-complete to make typing faster and more accurate than ever – Support of multiple languages and keyboard layouts – An ability to integrate the virtual keyboard into other systems – Multi-Touch support in Windows.
Jitbit Virtual Keyboard Jitbit VirtualKeyboard is an on-screen virtual keyboard. Type text with your mouse, trackball or stylus (digital pen used by Tablet PC devices with a touch screen), whenever you are unable to use a physical computer keyboard. Virtual Keyboard also protects you confident data by preventing key-loggers and other remote keystroke trackers from spying your data. Enter your passwords, personal data, secret information safely with Jitbit Virtual Keyboard.
Virtual Keyboard is mutilingual! Current version supports German, French, Spanish and English layouts. More languages are planned in the future.
Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003 Screenshot More Similar Software. Virtual Keyboard is a small but powerful multilingual program for the text input with computer mouse or hardware keyboard. That is practical if you work e.g. With another character set than that your hardware keyboard offer. Still another area of application of the program is safe input of the private data (e.g. Login data, passwords, bank data, ect.). The program Virtual Keyboard supports 53 languages: Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Azeri, Belorussian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese.
Create your own virtual keyboard and type like a professional by using a mouse or touch screen! Hot Virtual Keyboard makes previous-generation on-screen keyboards look ancient. Type faster with configurable mouse gestures, launch programs, browse the Internet, and run programmable macros with any of the 56 keyboards included with Hot Virtual Keyboard. The new virtual on-screen keyboard employs advanced typing techniques used in modern mobile phones and communicators, including word auto-complete. Free Virtual Keyboard is software that simulates the hardware keyboard on the computer screen and adds some elegant features. You can change size and transparency of virtual keyboard with one click at any time. The autorepeat function means that all relevant keys would auto-repeat when pressed continuously.
Free Virtual Keyboard is a totally portable application; bring your virtual on-screen keyboard with you from PC to PC. An on-screen keyboard for.NET WPF. MindFusion Virtual Keyboard is a reusable control that emulates a keyboard and enables text and shortcut input through touch, mouse or stylus events.