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So this past weekend I upgraded to Windows 10 from 7 and it went very well. I have a USB Microsoft Digital Media Pro Keyboard and IntelliMouse 2.0 wireless mouse, both of which were prompted to install the software suit first thing after Win10 welcome desktop and worked perfectly. However, I wanted to have a 'clean' install, so today I did a PC Reset. Everything went well til the Win10 screen to enter regional info, when my USB KB/Mouse weren't detected/working. Thankfully I still had an old PS/2 KB/Mouse that worked after a restart. Here's the problem - I used these to check my drivers - and Intel said I didn't need any.
I know the ports are good because my USB keyboard and mouse both light up during Intel Bios flash but go blank once Windows 10 starts up. I'm thinking there was something changed in the registry during the PC Reset that made these controllers incomplete. I also couldn't find anything on Intel's website to download these drivers either. They tripped these events - VEN_8086&DEV_27CB&SUBSYS_58428086&REV_01 3&61aaa01&0&EB VEN_8086&DEV_27CA&SUBSYS_58428086&REV_01 3&61aaa01&0&EA VEN_8086&DEV_27C9&SUBSYS_58428086&REV_01 3&61aaa01&0&E9 VEN_8086&DEV_27C8&SUBSYS_58428086&REV_01 3&61aaa01&0&E8 Funny how a clean install is supposed to work better than an upgrade lol. Thanks for any help!