IMPERIUM - Le Grandi Battaglie Di Roma ITA[TNTVillage.org]
Download Imperium Le Grandi Battaglie Di Roma Pch. Le grandi battaglie di Roma, le guerre Puniche). Imperium - Le Grandi Battaglie di Roma #1 Roma.
2007 peterbilt 386 cat c13 engine 13 speed. GBR TACTICS has new many features for you to play with, such as: + Full English translation for Imperivm GBR Spanish. + More tactics in game. + Better balance in game. + A lot of new icons for heroes. + A lot of new artefacts. + Unit becomes veteran after 10 kills.
+ New unit Barbarian Liberati and Barbarian Javelin on map. + New unit Long Bow Archer.
+ Teleport (tunnel) he was removed. + Additional food after kills animal. + Weak units they less eat. + Possibility of extension of village. + Possibility of buying the food in trade post. + Hero favourite unit - new skill.
+ Improve gate and outpost. + Hire sentry in outpost. + Add building Great Taver on map - can hire hero.
+ All outpost converts villagers inside the outpost. + New upgrade Mercenaries Guild. + Automatic increases the stronghold population. + Hunting fish. + Hero becomes Leader after 5 kills.
+ Fix multiplayer crash. + Automatic bring food.
+ Can burn building. + Cavalry can Great Charge. A lot of more in future. Full list of changes: * repair bugs: ' stop enemy hero ', 'ball ', ' use skill enemy hero, ' ' Summoning Eagle Townhall enter it, ' ' Stonehenge bugs ' and many others * new talent hero ' favourite unit ' * increased levels of AI difficulty * introduction of class units ( swordfish, bowman, light infantry, heavy infantry, infantry special - ' penetrations, light cavalry, heavy horse ) * implementation of the ' paper, rock, scissors ': - Archers strong against light and heavy infantry, weak against spearmans with shields and cavalry. - Spearmen strong against cavalry and archers, the weak against the ' penetrations'. - Heavy horse against a strong, archers, light and heavy infantry, weak against spearmans. - ' Penetrations ' strong against spearmans, infantry and light, weak against cavalry, archers, heavy infantry.
- Light Infantry - assets: do not rebel. Weakest unit.
* develop the tactical aspect of the game thanks to the ' IN BATTLE ' * adding 40 new artifacts * adding 70 new icons for heroes * adding 20 new sound effect * adding active barbarians on the map with its own AI * adding elite archers with long range shot * adding a tax collector * new raw material, iron and iron mine * modify the statistics to improve the balance units * 10 new enhancements such as extension of the gates of castles, general's school, guild of mercenaries, camouflage, etc. * ddded the ability to burn buildings * possibility improve the outposts through their expansion and hiring guards * possibility of transporting food, gold and people to outpost and create route * possibility fully automate the management of a stronghold outposts, thanks route and such options as auto- buying families, automatic drawing of the peasants, the automatic building of troops in barracks, selling into slavery of the peasants, peasants training etc. * adding sentry at outposts * possibility of obtaining food from hunting the animals and fish * adding a hero from combat mode that is hidden fighters involved on / off hidden aggressiveness * add option auto feeding of the hero and his army * the addition of new combat formations such as the long line, square, loose formation * repair all spiritual units * the possibility of rebellion hungry troops ( with the exception of light infantry ) * rationing of food in relation to the amount held vitality. The more vitality a body that needs more food * added three degrees of promotion warriors and heroes of the number killed * only gain experience for fighting with the enemy at the same level or higher * added a new building ' Great Tavern. ' It gives possibility hiring leaders from other nations * added the ability to increase the population in the village, by not extracting food * added ability to charge cavalry * added bonus for the defense position on the hills * injured or deprived of stamina of the military fights and moves slowly * added glory to leader points.
Awarded for acquiring the outposts, cause the warriors of our villages join us for free * added new bonuses when choosing before starting a game such as character level to 12, 4000 food, etc. * added ability to automatically transport between the shipyards of the army ( by water ) * added the ability to modernize the army ( where our military has no new artifacts such as weapons and armor steel ) * added ability to send people to the point Hamachi network: Network: gbrta2 Passowrd: gbrta2. Not sure if the creator of this mod still checks in, but I just downloaded and installed Imperivm 3, and GBR Tactics the other day, Had a wierd issue (playing as Roman Republican) where when entering a battle, with my hero selected, I could right click to attack, and I get notifications that a rage battle has begun or whatever. The issue is, I basically lose all control of my hero. When trying to have my hero attack other units in the enemy armies, his entire squad of units would reposition where I was right clicking on units, basically leading my armies to run back and forth and just get annihilated, as the attack commands and everything else were faded out and right clicking just moved the army.