Raspberry Pi Mpeg License Key Generator
The point of buying the license keys is to enable hardware decoding of MPEG-2 and VC-1 — see for more information on why you might want this. While there was recently at the patents expiring for MPEG-2, this makes little difference to Pi users, it seems. Claims that despite the patents expiring in most countries, the Pi Foundation won't be making any changes until 2025 until all patents are expired across the world. You can still do software decoding of MPEG-2 without paying any fees, but performance is generally much worse than hardware decoding.
If you're creating a media centre and experiencing poor playback of these video files, investing in the license key may be valuable. So, if you do need hardware decoding for MPEG-2 or VC-1, you still need to pay up, unfortunately, for the foreseeable future, by buying a (I might add that I didn't believe that was official until I saw it linked from the!).
Thank you for purchasing codec license keys from the Raspberry Pi Store.To enable codecs on your device(s), add the following lines to the config.txt file in the FAT partition of your SD card: decode_MPG2=0xxxxxxxxx decode_WVC1=0xxxxxxxxx If you want to verify that the codecs are now enabled, the following commands will report their status. Essentially, the license enables GPU encoding/decoding of MPEG-2 video, which is better than CPU encoding/decoding. Some more info here. I don't think it's needed for x264 video files which are MPEG-4.

$ md5sum start.elf_backup start.elf 8327a0720f806814b677efaeb94a7671 start.elf_backup fe55537c71b22e8f8c1a92257da2c45b start.elf Some initial analysis was done by on: Yes, it seems to patch a licensing function at 0xEC95FD4 [1] to always return 1, by patching the jump at 0xEC95FE2 (that should be only taken for the always-allowed H263 codec) to always be taken, thus always allowing all codecs. Reverse-engineering The initial entry point is disassembled using the for IDA Pro 6. After loading and analyzing start.elf, we can find the is_licensed routine at address 0xEC96290 by jumping to the file offset given to us by xxd beforehand. The relevant code sections are available in. Not_WMV9:; CODE XREF: is_licensed+56j cmp r7, 'MPG2' cmpeq r6, 0 bne not_MPG2 ld r1, 0x1DC0 (gp); XREF 0xEE86680 dword_EE86680 addcmpbne r1, 0, 0, return_1 not_MPG2:; CODE XREF: is_licensed+68j cmp r7, 'WVC1' cmpeq r6, 0 bne deny ld r2, 0x2120 (gp); XREF 0xEE869E0 dword_EE869E0 addcmpbeq r2, 0, 0, deny Here, two memory locations ( 0xEE86680 for MPEG-2 and 0xEE869E0 for VP1) that point to the.bss segment are checked to determine the return value of is_licensed.
There are no other obvious references to these locations in start.elf, so memory-breakpoint debugging ( TBD) is probably needed.
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